Welcome to the Journey

Posted June 7th, 2008 by admin

¬†¬† ¬† Well, pretty soon we’ll be off, and if you’re reading this then you probably know: Patrick and I are going to Ireland this Sunday (June 8th, 2008). ¬†There is a twist, as we’re doing the entire trip by way of bicycle. ¬†Over 488 Km (303 Miles) of riding through the cities, towns and evergreen countryside of Ireland in 15 days. ¬†The attached map is just a rough plan of where we are going. It can and probably will change as we go. ¬†It should be interesting to see how our course deviates from this original map and I’ll be posting our actual journey from my GPS at the end of our adventure.

Map of Ireland

¬†¬† ¬† I’ll attempt to update this everyday with what we’ve been doing, and where we’ve gone (with pictures when I can). Please feel free to give anyone the address of this weblog, who you think might be interested in our trip. ¬†Also don’t hesitate to post comments as I’ll be checking those as well.



One Response to: “Welcome to the Journey”

  1. danimal responds:
    Posted: June 7th, 2008 at 8:38 am

    I’m so excited for you guys. Have fun, drink lots of beer, be safe, and enjoy the green!

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