GPS Maps

Posted June 27th, 2008 by admin

As I promised, here is a comparison of where we “planned” to go and what actually¬†happened. ¬†As you can see the bike route (marked in red on the new map) is very close to what we planned, this far back at least. ¬†The car route in blue tells a different story and allowed us to see many additional and marvelous places and things we otherwise would have missed. ¬†All in all, we cycled and walked a little over 300 miles and drove 1.3 megameters (and yes, that is a real term).


 Original Plan Map

 Actual Journey Map
  On another note, remember there will still be a few more posts.  Next will be some observations on Ireland, Europe and the like as well as tragic Irish city names.  This will be followed by a selection of our best pictures as well as the fully edited video (due in about 2 weeks or so).



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