So Long Ireland

Posted June 23rd, 2008 by admin

Some issues at the airport. I placed the wrong bag in checked baggage and ended up with a bag of metal cables, locks, knives and other sharp tools at the security checkpoint. Thankfully they¬†didn’t¬†make a huge fuss out of it and I just had to go back, check it and pay a ‚Ǩ40 charge for the extra bag. We await our plane now and look forward to home. Don’t stop checking the weblog though, not just yet, I’ll still be posting the final GPS map of our journey along with the video and better pictures after we return.


One Response to: “So Long Ireland”

  1. Jenn responds:
    Posted: June 23rd, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I have a big hug waiting for you, Will (and eventually you, too, Patrick!) I just have one request for you, Will: PLEASE don’t get too excited and painfully squeeze me to death. Four gentle ones are better than one painful hard one. (No time).

    Also, you will see a shiny new All-Clad pot at home in the “pots & pans” cabinet. Be advised that if anyone but him touches that pot, he will murder them right there in our kitchen. Just fair warning. He will be fingerprinting it every day to make sure. 😉

    Also-ALSO, I am ready for some quality Will-time.

    Also-also-ALSO, Kevin was sick with a bad head cold, which he got on Friday. He is getting better, but still be careful when we get home tonight.

    Also-also-also-ALSO, Don’t open the freezer. I have to get rid of some bodies when I get home.
    I’m not joking.

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