Last Day Real Day

Posted June 22nd, 2008 by admin

Well, we’re down to our last real day in Ireland and despite the wind gusting to 60 knots today, we are working to see some of the landmarks around Dublin. We visited the amazing library at Trinity College, which contains the Book of Kells. They¬†don’t¬†allow video or photography, but I did some clandestine work, so we’ll have to see how that pans out. Right now Patrick is enjoying the¬†Guinness¬†Brewery and afterwards we’ll see some of the great cathedrals in the area. Picture of the Trinity library, taken with a sneaky iPhone.


4 Responses to: “Last Day Real Day”

  1. Jack & Gail responds:
    Posted: June 22nd, 2008 at 9:35 am

    I hope you lads are having a good last day! I’m sure the both of you must be ready to come home, we love you both!

  2. Shayna responds:
    Posted: June 22nd, 2008 at 9:36 am

    We’ll miss you at church today 🙂
    The weather is finally cooling down and should
    be a nice 72 when you boys decide to finally return home 😀

  3. Lonette responds:
    Posted: June 22nd, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Now that’s a proper library, I’d love to see that in all it’s glory! Will I’m so glad you were able to get some pictures. I think I started to drool a little bit when I saw all those beautiful books. Looking forward to picking you up tomorrow. Much love mom

  4. Dad responds:
    Posted: June 22nd, 2008 at 11:06 pm

    Hey boy’z, Sorry I haven’t chimed in for a few days, been off on my own Mountain Bike adventure in Tahoe with Chuck. Did the epic ride yesterday (Sat.) 7 hrs., 38 miles of rocky single track, and 5,500 ft. of climbing ( and we even got rained on a couple of times). Can’t wait to see you guy’s and catch up on all your frivolities. So how was old slow hand (Mr. Clapton)?

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