A Wee Post

Posted June 18th, 2008 by admin

Sorry for the short post today, but I’m running out of bandwidth and am hopping on to others wireless signals to get by. This one has us standing in the rain in the town of Mallow.
We visited Blarney castle today and got some amazing pictures. More to come later.
Also, sorry Noelle no little people though more pudgy than I would have thought. And Jenn I appreciate being corrected, although it momentarily makes me feel very dense, it prevents me from looking foolish in the future.

5 Responses to: “A Wee Post”

  1. Jenn responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 10:32 am

    I don’t think you EVER look foolish; In fact, I think you are the smartest guy that most of us know! (Right, guys?) I suppose I enjoy helping you out in THE one and only subject I am better in! haha! 😉

    Make sure you rest up so that you are ready to ride your socks off with me to work! I NEED MY BODYGUARD FOR STUPID HAYWARD!!! haha again!

    I love you, Willbeam! 🙂

    (I love you, too… HAT-trick. I am calling you that from now on!) 🙂

  2. shayna responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    i hope the weather gets better for you guys tomorrow,
    though from the forecast it looks like it will be pretty cold.

    Gram & I are praying for you.


  3. Lonette responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 9:02 pm

    Since you visited Blarney castle did you kiss the blarney stone? If you have to kiss the stone upside down you’ll get a lot of rain up your nose. Have you had enough rain yet? Everything is dry and dusty here, I’d love a little of that Irish rain to settle the dust on the trails here. Love you both.

  4. Dad responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    The first thing I thought of doing when I read this post was to wee on a post (one of my many quirks). Thanks for all the amazing posts Will! Make sure to give Patrick a monstrous nirrple from me (just to keep him on his toes). Can’t wait to see the multi media extravaganza thats sure to follow. Can’t wait to see you.

  5. Mom (Jung) responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Did you kiss the Blarney stone? I happen to know that is dangerous too; don’t you have to, like, hang half-way over the top edge of the castle to do it? Oh, wait, you LOVE hanging over potentially deadly, hazardous eight-story drops! Found any nice old cottages where you can watch them make Irish lace? How about a quiet little tea shop with piping hot scones and not a DANGEROUS CLIFF in sight…? Sorry. Still shaking over the Cliffs of Insanity picture.
    Miss you!

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