More castles

Posted June 17th, 2008 by admin

Just a brief post of a castle ruin we found on the highway along the way. Patrick climbed the broken back half to the second floor.


2 Responses to: “More castles”

  1. shayna responds:
    Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 9:23 am

    he did what??
    ohh my gollygoshness.

    sounds like you’re having a lot of fun!
    even though it looks pretty cold out, these pictures are great! 😀 <3

  2. Mom (Jung) responds:
    Posted: June 18th, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    If I read any more “Patrick climbed by his fingertips to the top of a castle”, or see pictures of him standing precariously near crumbling cliff edges, I’m coming over there and drag him back by the ear! I tell you what…! Can’t you guys go to some nice, safe cottage where they make Irish linen? Huh? Huh? 🙂

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