The Cliffs of Insanity!
Words would fail me were I to describe all which we saw yesterday, but I will try to summarize as best I can.
Having camped at an actually campground in Northern Ireland we headed back south the way we had come the day before. The main reason for this retracing of steps was a small coastal town called Mulliganmore. Between the impressive table top and cliffs of Drum mountain and the serene aqua marine color of the sandy Irish coastline sat this little town on it’s own¬†peninsula. On a hill overlooking the ocean, town and surrounding country side sat a most impressive castle we just had to get closer to. On arriving we found the castle to be a private residence still maintained and out of reach. Though slightly disappointed, we still took amazing shots of the castle from across a cliff lined cove and had a nice warm breakfast at the local harbor side inn.
From there we continued south driving away from the rain which was building in the north. Just south of Galway we turned onto the “highway” which led to the Cliffs of Moher through an area known as the Burren. The “insanity” isn’t the cliffs despite their resemblance to those in the Princess Bride, rather it is this highway. Had we rode our bikes we likely would have turned around 10 minutes into the journey. Not because of how steep it was, but rather because the road is quite perilous;
Barely wide enough to fit our car in the lane, stone walls on either side with 3 inches of what can almost be called a shoulder in between, and numerous tour buses which most certainly do not fit in their lanes. Add to this blind corners and a posted speed of 100 kph and you start to get the picture. We passed one car that had at some point completely swiped the side of a rock wall and another whose tires on the left hand side had simultaneously met their end with the razor limestones the walls are built of.
God was gracious and we not only made it through without a scratch, but saw some amazing ruins and the very unique landscape of the Burren the hills, which look like mounds of loose stone similar to the crumble topping on pies.
Once at the Cliffs of Moher we parked relieved and having felt accomplished that we had achieved some skill in the local style of driving. We then hiked through a dense pack of tourists (which felt odd having been in non-tourist regions for the entire cycling portion). And gazed from behind a stone barricade, which kept us 30 feet from the edge, at the cliffs which plunged into the ocean more than 900 meters below. Not content with this we followed a trail which went outside of the tourist area, toward a castle on a distant point. It is from here we were able to obtain the most impressive vistas for our cameras, seeing as the path weaved its way some times mere inches from the edge. Though one must be careful, high winds were buffeting us and since the cliffs are largely slate, they are relatively brittle and at least one section near the edge had a crack leading about 100 meters down and seemed loose to the step.
We are now several hundred kilometers to the south on an area known as the Ring of Kerry. A region filled with ancient forests and dramatic mountains. We plan to ride some of the mountain trails which run along this region later today.
Today’s picture: Patrick inches from the edge of the highest cliff at Moher.
shayna responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 12:20 am →
0.0 That sounds amazingly delightful!
Im SOO glad you boys weren’t riding your bikes!
It certainly isn’t surprising that you guys weren’t satisfied with the typical touristy stuff,
i mean come on.. you guys aimed to BIKE the country.. that isn’t typical.
I’m excited to see the pictures from the castle.. and “todays picture” ..
I’m super happy the cliff’s didn’t give way! You boys go have a great breakfast and a wonderful day driving (or riding, or walking) around the area of the ring of Kerry.
I would love an amazing tree picture for my wall!! 😀
<33 much love & prayer.
rachel responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 7:49 am →
AWWWWW!!! no picture!!!!! well it’s better that way because i think my mom might have a heart attack…so glad you guys are having fun and thankful you made it on the “highway to the danger zone”. oh yeah that’s right. please stay safe and have fun!
Mom (Jung) responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 8:14 am →
Patrick, you get away from the edge!!!!
Good grief! Your description gave me hives! If I had been with you, you would have had to check me into an asylum for my nerves, after that ride! The scenery sounds absolutely amazing. Again, can’t wait to see all the pictures and hear all the stories we’re not hearing on the blog. Since there doesn’t seem to be any info on the Quinn farm, I’m supposing you didn’t find it – would have been a needle in a haystack, I’m supposing. Is it my imagination, or is there no picture that goes with the title “Patrick inches from the edge of the highest cliff…”. It’s just as well I didn’t see it. I’m starting to experience hyperventilation and spots before my eyes just imagining it!
danimal responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 8:18 am →
So, i’m curious, when you said you were going to “summerize” were you inventing a term that means something like “attempting to make something more like summer that it already is” or…Oh wait, i get it “summarize” I see. Don’t mind me, just being the jerk friend who corrects people’s spelling. Kevin hasn’t done it in a while, so there. Anyway, sounds like that was quite the breathtaking trip! Can’t wait to see the pictures!
Dad responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 12:36 pm →
Lads, So your actually considering entering the dreaded “Ring of Kerry”? INCONCEIVABLE!!!!!!!!!!
Of course I myself enter the equally terrifying “Ring of Cary” on a daily basis (yikes!!). Well, good luck to you both, and happy travels. Aye, the days they be countin down, so make the most of ye Irish towns.
Jenn responds:
Posted: June 17th, 2008 at 3:03 pm →
Just so Dan isn’t the only one being a jerk, I’ll throw the following in, too: When you say “we past a farm” or something like that, you are using the wrong word. You mean to say “passed”. The “past” you keep using means “days gone by” or “past-tense”. I think you want the one meaning “to pass by”, as in “We passed an object on the road”. You didn’t do it in this blog, but in about three previous blogs.
Don’t make that face! You said you liked to be corrected even more than eating ice cream, didn’t you? Oh, you didn’t? Sorry. My mistake… or Miss Steak. Looooooove Yoooooou…