Hello Northern Ireland

Posted June 15th, 2008 by admin

This morning we were blessed with being able to rent a car at one third the rate asked by the local budget thanks to my iphone, the Budget website and a persistent Patrick. I’ve taken to driving on¬†through¬†other side of the road fairly well, even though the Ford Focus we got is a stick. With this opportunity we headed straight way to Northern Ireland to try to seek out the Quinn family farm (where Patrick gets his middle name from). On the way we saw some of the most beautiful countryside of our entire journey, with cliffs and¬†mountains¬†and castles you wouldn’t believe. Upon crossing into N Ireland we found the people, architecture and road signs to be all quite different (road signs in miles per hour, buildings older and better condition and different accents) we found a castle which was burnt down partially in 1691, and has been preserved in the state it was after being taken from the English by the Irish.
We plan to camp out on Lough Erne tonight near one of the numerous farms which could have been the Quinn farm and drive down to the cliffs of Moher tomorrow.


5 Responses to: “Hello Northern Ireland”

  1. iPhone - Tips and Tricks » Blog Archive » Hello Northern Ireland responds:
    Posted: June 15th, 2008 at 11:24 am

    […] Biking the Green Isle added an interesting post on Hello Northern IrelandHere’s a small excerptThis morning we were blessed with being able to rent a car at one third the rate asked by the local budget thanks to my iphone, the Budget website and a persistent P atrick…. […]

  2. shayna responds:
    Posted: June 15th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Sounds nice and exciting! Sleep comfortably tonight.
    im glad you got the car soooo cheap! that’s awesome!
    You only have about 8 days left.. enjoy! Sleep snuggly in your cute tents tonight!

    Can you see the stars really good there? Can you see the Milky way?

  3. Lonette responds:
    Posted: June 15th, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    The journey just keeps on getting better all the time! Just think you could be sleeping on the ground where your ancestors lived. I hope you find the family farm, maybe there will be a sign indicating that your at the Quinn residence. May you be blessed with many more happy adventures.

  4. Mom (Jung) responds:
    Posted: June 15th, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    Ok, so here’s a theory: maybe northern and southern Ireland have just been fighting over the proper way to post highway signs! Just don’t mention, when you get back in the southern part how much you prefer the northern signage. The folk may not prove as friendly as before… I’m not kidding, guys, just drop in a local pub and ask around about the Quinn farm. I’ll bet you two nickels somebody’ll know somebody who knew somebody, etc. Don’t forget to mention Cecil (pronounciation sounds sort of like “set sill” without the ‘t’) I think his last name was Quinn. Loch Erne looks really pretty. Take lots of pictures. Patrick, I sure wish I had sent you with the photo of the farm. It might’ve helped. Good luck hunting!
    Miss you guys! Lots of love,

  5. Dad responds:
    Posted: June 15th, 2008 at 9:10 pm

    Hi again fellas, Will, thanks so much for the fathers day message today! Thought of you while eating top sirilion at Grandpa and Grandmas (mmmmm good). Must be fun driving with a stick on the left side (where’s first, who’s on second?). While I write this it’s 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning your time. Have a marvelous day galavanting around the country side, and be careful not to make that wrong to to the cliffs of Mordor (heard it’s a rather nasty place:-).

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