Brave Sir William Ran Away…

Posted June 13th, 2008 by admin

decided Well, not quite. Yesterday in the city of Athlone, Patrick declared it was time that I had a pint. So we stopped into a pub alongside Athlone Castle and Patrick ordered two pints of Guinness. With video camera rolling and still camera clicking I tried my first drink of Ireland’s black brew.
Sorry to disappoint but I did not like it at all, I hate it less than beer, but all alcohol is rather unpalatable to me, so after a few more sips, I was able to convince Patrick to finish the pint.


2 Responses to: “Brave Sir William Ran Away…”

  1. Jenn responds:
    Posted: June 13th, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    Boo! Hiss! C’mon, you square! (haha!) 😉

    Well, at least you tried it. People who won’t even TRY new things bug the crap out of me… so I am very proud you gave it the ol’ college try.

    I’m sure it took a lot of arm-twisting to get Patrick to finish that. Poor Patrick… it must have been so hard and traumatic for him. Tee-hee.

  2. shayna, Jack, And gail responds:
    Posted: June 13th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    hahahaha 😀 yay Will!
    sorry you didn’t like it- i dont think anyone really expected you to though >.<
    we know better. Sounds like fun though! we cant wait to see the footage of EVERYTHING.
    and i completely <3 and support the idea of an old movie night 😀

    have a good evening boys and sleep tight!

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