Rainy Sites for Sore Eyes

Posted June 11th, 2008 by admin

As promised a few of wonderful things we saw on our journey today. We saw our first castles today having past beyond the Pale, and a ruined church from the 15th century. We had started toward Tullamore only to decide to go toward a town called Clara as it was more on the way to Athlone. This took us to Rhode where Patrick had his first “pint” (sorry I haven’t had one yet) we went from there toward the hills, stopping to get out of the rain, at a farm where Patrick¬†decided¬†to rest in the hay.
We’ve come to two more conclusion about the Irish: One they love horns. They use them in anger, to say thanks, or just to say “hi”. Needless to say this becomes quite confusing.
Two, the Irish deny the existence of leashes. We’ve now been chased my a total of four dogs, the funniest being the latest. We were inquiring about the availability of a bed and breakfast and couldn’t get a hold of anyone, neither at the door nor the phone so Patrick¬†decided¬†to try around back. Moments later I see him running full bore from the back of the house soon followed by a Jack Russell¬†Terrier¬†fully confident in its duty to keep him at bay. Ironically it was this act which garnered the attention of the inn keep.
Our of the picture of the day is a Patrick asleep on the hay


7 Responses to: “Rainy Sites for Sore Eyes”

  1. danimal and rachel responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 11:17 am

    ok that is hilarious! i hope you guys get some much needed rest and maybe on something a little softer than hay:)

  2. Alicia responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 12:52 pm

    HAHA. Thats amazing lol.

    Aww…Will….Drink something soon….

    We are all waiting.

  3. Jenn responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 1:09 pm

    Okay, as adorable as Patrick sleeping in hay is, I have to ask: WHY are we not seeing the castles and rolling countryside and greenery, etc.? BLOG SOME IRISH BEAUTY, WILL YA? !?! I am beginning to think you guys just lied to us all and are riding around in Modesto somewhere. (*Shudder*)

  4. Ashley responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    yeeeeaaah little boy blue over there is great and all but we want pictures!

  5. Lonette Acord responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    O.K, honking Irish horns, barking Jack Russell terriers, and some sparse rocks and hay, pretty funny! But I ‘m with Jenn show me the green and a castle. Mom

  6. Shayna responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    if the worst that happens on this trip is you get rerouted, rained on, and chased by dogs- i’d say you’d done good.
    sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite 😉

  7. Mom (Jung) responds:
    Posted: June 11th, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    So far you’ve been ranted at by gypsies, honked at by all of Ireland, it seems, and chased by terriers! I thought Ireland was a wee friendly place filled with smiling leprechauns and jolly folk! I sure hope you’re having fun, too…! Patrick asleep in the hay is a priceless picture – almost as good as the other one of Patrick asleep – when does Will get to sleep? I’m loving the blogs! As usual, I didn’t know about these until Rachel showed me at family night, being the techno non-geek!

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