The Flight Over

Posted June 9th, 2008 by admin

The flight has been uneventful and as I write this it is 5:30 am in the morning as we approach Ireland. We’ve been flying so far north, we past from one day to the next without the sun ever setting.
Most wonderfully, just before I began to write this entry the clouds far below us broke and I was able to take a “sunrise” picture of the arctic north, I believe this to be a picture of Greenland to be more precise.


2 Responses to: “The Flight Over”

  1. Lonette Acord responds:
    Posted: June 9th, 2008 at 9:05 am

    Hi Wills and Patrick,
    I’m glad your flight was uneventful, that picture is beautiful. It’s warm and sunny here today, I’m hoping to get out for a ride, I’ll be thinking of you boys riding though Dublin, while I’m on a dusty Ca. trail. I hope you have a great first day in Ireland and get some sleep!

    Love you, Mom

  2. Grandpa and grandma Robinson responds:
    Posted: June 9th, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    It was exciting to hear that you were going to Ireland. Your mom sent us your site information. We will be following your trip. Have a safe and blessed time. Love, G&G Robinson

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